Guilfoyle Gone for Good promotion

The Club is now saving $50,000 every month by not having to pay Guilfoyle, right?

How about this for a promotion?

The Guilfoyle Gone for Good promotion!

Just take the $50,000 and use it for one huge prize every month.

It couldn’t fail!

A $50,000 prize and you’re telling everyone that Guilfoyle is gone!

One big poster at the front entrance is all it would take to get the people in.

You could offer some “fun facts” to new members about Guilfoyle’s stint as CEO: Maybe something about his Coffee Cart at the front door (remember that), or his proposed $6 million atrium though the Club (“essential” at the time but later quietly dropped) or the $1 million motorised mannequins (later dumped, … literally).

Just think of the favourable publicity this would generate for the Club. It’s the sort of win-win, good news story the media would love.

City Tatts Information Desk

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